Friday, September 23, 2016

September 29, 30

1.   Warm Up
Post by Theatre Studies Online at Rose Bruford College.  

2. Sophocles - Oedipus Rex (the short version)

4.  Let's look at an an example of a Greek Tragedy

5.  Process Journal entry

 Homework:  This was produced by an MYP student (from a different school).
1. Write a paragraph to analyze/critique this powerpoint.
       What did you learn about Greek Theater from this?  
       What did you like about this powerpoint presentation?
       What would you change?
       Is this a useful study tool?
       Would you recommend this to other students?

 2.  Design 1 slide that could add to/enhance/complete this powerpoint presentation.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

September 22, 23

1.  Worksheet 1

2.  Greek Theatre

3. Sophocles - Oedipus Rex (the short version)

4.  Let's look at an an example of a Greek Tragedy

5.  Process Journal entry

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

September 15, 16

1.  Warm-up - - Sound Ball - keeps you spontaneous and in the moment, it's about giving and receiving ideas, letting the ideas and sounds be connected to each other, it's great for letting go of planning, letting go of editing.

2.  Greek Tragedy information sheet
3.  Let's look at the answers to the intro questions on padlet:

4.  Begin Worksheet 1. Historical Context (Criterion A – Knowing and Understanding – strand i. and ii.)

  • Research Greek Theatre and locate the following information. You may respond in short answer form but explain, be thorough, include detailsRemember to include the question.
  • You need a Works Cited page.
  1. What was the purpose of early drama? Think: original dramas, Hellenistic times. . .   Who was Dionysus and why is this name important in the study of Greek Drama?  How does it relate to these words:  satyr, harvest, mandatory, contest, ritual, threshing floor?
  2. Who is considered the "father of drama" or the creator of the first drama? Why? How (in what context) do we know this name today? 
  3. Draw and label the parts of the early Greek theatre?
  4. According to Aristotle, what are the six part necessary to every tragic play?
  5. What was the action (purpose) of the chorus in Greek Drama?  How many people did it include?
  6. What are purpose of the masks in Greek Drama?
  7. Who are the 3 most influential Greek playwrights? What important plays did each product? (Include brief plot line.)
  8. Who was Sophocles?  Include 5-7 important facts about him.
  9. Why is Greek Theatre so significant to Western Drama and how has it continued to influence modern works?
  10. What are some modern examples of Greek chorus? (Be specific, include details)