Saturday, June 24, 2017

June 29 - The world needs more storytellers . . .

13 Great Storytelling Techniques: How to construct a winning story
Story Starters:

Seven Steps to the Perfect Story:

Let's watch the film,   Stand By Me

Acting Challenge:

Thursday, June 15, 2017

June 15, 22, 23 (Future Wise)

Sorry I can't be with you this morning . . .

Please practice your monologues for a June 22 videotaped performance date. (Practice them in groups. Give each other feedback)

Thursday, June 8, 2017

June 8

1. Monologue competition

2. Crying on cue -

3. Now it's your turn.
    Find a 1-minute monologue to prepare for presentation

Friday, May 26, 2017

June 1, 2

Act and react

                         Goal of acting in modern times: Be truthful in imaginary circumstances.

1.   What is method acting?  (20 minutes)



. . . "What Lee's traning was how not to lie, to really tell the truth. How not to act, that's what he taught. How not to pretend. Not act as though I feel bad but to feel bad."

2.  3 Minute Meisner Mondays - First Repetition Exercise   (25 minutes)


3.   Magic If, Imagination, or Emotion memory  exercises

4.  Audition videos

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 25, 26

Al Pacino, Method Actor

1.  Welcome Back!  These last few weeks will be dedicated to realism and "method acting".

Method Acting
1. Who was Constantine Stanislavsky?
2. How did Stanislavsky begin his career in the theatre?

3. Describe the style of acting common in the theatre of the 19th century.

5. What did Stanislavsky believe the actor’s main responsibility is?

6. What is Method acting?

7. What two things does "The Method" require actors to draw on in order to emotionally feel their characters?
8. Who were the 10 most influential method acting teachers?

9. Name 5 contemporary major film actors/actresses that bring Stanislavsky's ideas to the world of motion pictures?

Defining terms:
Define the following terms using at least one complete sentence. Use your own words.
10. Subtext
11. Objective
12. Unit of Action
13. Super Objective
14. Communion
15. Circles of Attention

(1/4) "I feel like everything in my life has been preparing me to be an actor. I started acting when I was a student at...
Posted by Humans of New York on Friday, November 13, 2015
2.  Richard Ryker
facebook page:  

3.  What is method acting?

4.  Sanford Meisner
an American actor and acting teacher who developed an approach to acting instruction that is now known as the Meisner technique.[1] While Meisner was exposed to method acting at the Group Theatre, his approach differed markedly in that he completely abandoned the use of affective memory, a distinct characteristic of method acting. Meisner maintained an emphasis on "the reality of doing," which was the foundation of his approach.

The goal of the Meisner technique has often been described as getting actors to "live truthfully under imaginary circumstances.

Question of the month:  Can actors take method acting too far? 


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May 4

1.  Warm-up  Jump In Jump Out  (Energizer)  

2.  Breathing Exercise   -   Find your center  (focus exercise)

Thursday, April 20, 2017

April 20, 21

April 20
Watching final student videos

April 21
1.  Drama warm-up (special request) 

2.  eAssessment study period

Thursday, March 30, 2017

March 30

Watch videos

Thursday, March 23, 2017

March 23
Criterion C

Supporting Criterion C - Critical Thinking Skills

1.  Mr. Zamith - mindmapping your thinking

2.  What could go wrong?
How can I anticipate problems, and avoid possible problems by being prepared?
Write one page on how to troubleshoot problems.

3. What went wrong?  
As we know, we can't control every situation and no matter how hard we try, sometimes things go wrong.  What went wrong in your project?
Write one page on what went wrong and how you dealt with the situation. 

Thursday, March 16, 2017

March 16

Task 4 - Commentary  You will write (approximately 4) well developed paragraphs that include:

  • Use acquired knowledge to purposefully inform his or her artistic decisions. (Aiii) Write a paragraph saying how your research helped you make decisions about your script and performance.  Use the term "acquired knowledge" (for example: After completing my research, my acquired knowledge enabled me to . . .  or   The knowledge that I acquired through my research enabled me to . . . or From this unit I have a deeper understanding of comedy. . .)
  •  Construct meaningful connections between the process and product, the statement of inquiry and the global context. (Di) Write a paragraph that makes a connects your product (your video and your performance) to the statement of inquiry (Artists raise awareness of the implications of change and innovation through their work) and the global context (scientific and technical innovation: adaptation, ingenuity and progress).  (for example: Throughout this process I have gained an understanding of . . .)
  • Demonstrate his or her ability to either reflect on the world or impact the world through their realized artwork. (Dii) You can talk about how your message either reflects on the world or impacts the world and your audience.  Include an image from each of your performances (joke, practice and final performance - like in the 2 examples in the folder on OneDrive) For example:  Throughout this process I have learned  that art can be created for a purpose and comedy can send a message . . .)
  • Critically analyse his or her own artwork. (Diii)  Critically analyse your own performance.  Look at your acting, voice control, timing of your jokes, facial expressions. Suggest ways to improve.
 Look at the 2 examples in the folder on OneDrive for inspiration and ideas.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Thursday, March 9, 2017

March 10, 11
Work on your ePortfolio project.  I shared a folder with you on One Drive.

Inside the folder you will find:
    Assessment Rubrics

Today we agreed on the following deadlines:

Task 1 and Task 2   - Tuesday, March 14 on Managebac and submit a paper version
Task 3                     - Thursday, March 16

Thursday, March 2, 2017

What is comedy and what makes something funny?

Use vocabulary from this site in your work.

What is funny?
Comedy is not a science, it's art. Therefore there are no rules and it can be very subjective. What one person finds funny another might cringe at. 

One thing worth noting is that when analysing comedy and what is funny, it is almost like it is only visible out of the corner of your eye. As soon as you try and look directly at it and analyse it too much... all of the funniness disappears... 

Why do we find things funny? Why does this reaction force us to convulse and make that noise? 

I have no idea. 

There is no simple answer to why something is funny... Something is funny because it captures a moment, it contains an element of simple truth, it is something that we have always known for eternity and yet are hearing it now out loud for the first time. 

I think that our need to feel intelligent comes into play a lot in finding things funny... maybe humour is actually the overwhelming joy at feeling intelligent. Somebody tries to put on their shoes standing up and falls over in the process. They look foolish, we therefore feel intelligent as we are not the one falling over trying to put on shoes. 

We laugh. 

Someone makes a clever joke and only a few people get it. If we get the joke we recognise the person as being clever and feel clever ourselves as we understood the concept. 

We laugh. 

So is humour partly to do with self congratualtion at being intelligent? 

Comedy is full of opposites and contradictions. 

Something is funny because...
1. ...It is expected
A woman buys white coat she has been saving up for for ages. She tells the shop keeper she has dreamed of wearing it for months and been saving up. The shop keeper says that this is the last one in stock. We see the woman's gleeful face as she tries on her new lovely white coat.
We cut to a scene of a park keeper painting a bench black... oh and let's really overstate it... he's painting the bench black by the zebra enclosure in a zoo. We know what's going to happen already. The comedy is in the anticipation and expectation as we build up to the inevitable moment where she sits on the wet black bench in her new white coat and ends up with black stripes across her back.
2. is unexpected
A hunter is out hunting rabbits. He finds a rabbit hole and sends his dog down. After five minutes of nothing he sticks his head down the hole to find the rabbit and dog playing cards.
Or let's go for a twist... That same woman buys her white coat and approaches the wet black bench.
"Look out!" yells the zoo keeper.
" Oh thanks," says the woman, "I almost sat on that."
An escaped lion leaps in from the side and mauls her.
3. is familiar
A woman places a tin in her trolley and turns to fetch another. While she is not looking, her trolley rolls away sideways. We laugh a knowing laugh as we recognise the age old problem of shopping trolleys rolling sideways.
4. is unfamiliar
A woman places a tin in her trolley and turns to fetch another. While she is not looking, her trolley floats up into the air out of sight. We laugh a shocked laugh as we didn't expect that.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

February 23, 24
Finish and submit Task 1 and Task 2 on Friday, February 24.

How to write a play:

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

February 16, 17

1.  Warm-up - Changing emotions

February 16
This is the last section of Task 1 - Presentation
Write a response paper on the following questions: Remember to explain, include details and examples.
What is the role of an actor/a comedian? 
Does comedy have a role in raising awareness, preventing problems and/or solving issues?
If technology makes possibilities and design makes solutions, does art ask questions?

Create 5-6 Process Journal entries that:
•    Demonstrate a range and depth of creative-thinking behaviours related to the statement of inquiry. (Cii)

February 17 
Task 2 - Proposal
The proposal will enable students to:
•    Demonstrate purposeful exploration leading to a feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent artistic intention guided by the statement of inquiry and the global context (Ci).

Write a statement of artistic intention:

Task:   Students will create a Statement of Artistic Intention.   Write a 1 page essay with well developed, meaningful paragraphs outlining your intentions in regard to purpose, inspiration, message, production and performance elements. 

Structure your essay with:
  • an introduction paragraph and 
  • informational paragraphs
  • a conclusion (Write (minimum) a sentence or two of conclusion)

It should include but is not limited to the following:  Why are you doing this piece? What inspired you? What message/theme do you want to convey when presenting this piece? Why is this important to your audience? What production elements will you use to present the piece effectively? What performance elements will you include to effectively communicate your message/theme?

  Homework: Finish Statement of Artistic Intention
Demonstrate purposeful exploration leading to a feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent artistic intention guided by the statement of inquiry and the global context (Ci).

Thursday, February 9, 2017

February 9, 10

1.  Improv comedy warm-up   -   Mirror

2.  Now that you have conducted research and  collected data you are ready to continue.

Please write 2 strong  paragraphs on the research you have done.

Task 1 – Presentation (Criterion A and D), an individual presentation of investigation into the work of master artists, theorists/practitioners: critical appreciation of completed work and its context.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

February 2, 3

1.  Pulp Fiction Dance Scene    You Never Can Tell, Chuck Berry

2. What does it mean to break the 4th wall?

3. Research the history of Comedy . . .

Thursday, January 26, 2017

January 26

 Monty Python's  The Life of Brian - What have the Romans done for us?

Notes on Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure

Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure offers a satirical look at life in the 1980’s-90’s in the United States.   Inspiration is drawn from the period of “dumb and dumber” and the main characters are caricatures of the “me” society developing at that time.

The historical figures they collected were a timeline of the development of western civilization. 

Bill and Ted become “The Great Ones” and their music and wisdom create a new world order – a utopian society.

They are given time technology by a futuristic guy who must ensure that the pair stay together, as they eventually form a band which creates music that forms the basis of future society. 

There is much talk about culture clash humor between the dudes in the past and the historical personages finding their way around mid 80's Southern California suburban culture. There is also some incredibly clever use of time travel as a plot device.

How could they have improved the film?
-film is not timeless (movie is very dated, making it hard for teenagers today to relate to it.)
-appeal to a broader audience (it could have been made to appeal to not only teenagers but also adults)

Task 1 – Presentation (Criteria A and D)

An individual presentation, using concepts and subject-specific terminology, of:
·       Research into art that creates awareness, promotes change, asks questions and/or records the past or present, or predicts the future.
·       The role of the selected art in its original context.
·       The critical analysis of one or two art works related to the research.

The presentation will demonstrate the student’s:

·       Knowledge and understanding of how artists ask questions, raise issues, increase awareness, and/or propose solutions. (Ai and Aii)
·       demonstrates excellent knowledge and understanding of the art form studied, including concepts, processes, and excellent use of subject‑specific terminology
·       demonstrates excellent understanding of the role of the art form in original or displaced contexts

Ability to critique one or two art works. (Diii)
·       presents an excellent critique of the artwork of self and others.
When doing this make sure that you not only analyse it but comment on its effectiveness and suggest how they could have improved further in the use of technology at the time.

 [RD1]Develop this idea.