Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

December 14

1. 2.1 Developing a convincing role

Learning objectives:
1) Identify and explore different techniques for developing character or role,
2) Apply these techniques to a short, devised task.

Key terms
The System
Body language

2. Monologue example

a.  Discussion - performance review

Thursday, December 8, 2016

December 8 (national holiday), 9

2.1 Developing a convincing role

Learning objectives:
1) Identify and explore different techniques for developing character or role,
2) Apply these techniques to a short, devised task.

Key terms
The System
Body language

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

November 24, 25

November 24
Criterion D - Responding      Maximum 8
i. construct meaning and transfer learning to new settings
ii. create an artistic response that intends to reflect or impact the world around them
iii. critique the artwork of self and others

Example http://xmltwo.ibo.org/publications/MYP/m_6_artsm_tsm_1406_2/PDF/example05_en.pdf
This work achieved level 6 because the student:
  • produces a good response to the stimulus
  • demonstrates an ability to write about how they create an artistic response that reflects the world around them
  • demonstrates excellent ability to identify the artistic intentions and use of skills work as a basis of critique.
The work would have achieved a higher level if the student had:
  • further explored the meaning and transferral of learning to new settings in greater depth
  • used greater sophistication in discussing how art impacts the world.

1. Watch final performance videos (take notes on performances)

i. Construct meaningful connections between the process and product, the statement of inquiry (Drama is a performance art that addresses universal themes of human existence and conflict). and the global context (Personal and cultural expression)
Write 1 paragraph that connects your product to our unit Statement of Inquiry which is Drama is a performance art that addresses universal themes of human existence and conflict.

ii. Demonstrate his or her ability to either reflect on the world or impact the world through their realized artwork.
Write 1 paragraph that answers the following:  Did you meet your goal? Did you get your message across to your audience?

iii. Critically analyse his or her own artwork and the artwork of others.
Give detailed performance feedback to another group 
Write a series of paragraphs to assess your own performance, the performance of your group and give detailed performance feedback to members of another group. 

Red - Henrique, João, Per, Catarina
Blue - Ioanna, Marta, José, Pedro
Purple - Pedro J., Joseph, Dorothy, Eva
Orange - Rita, Kiara, Pedro F, Riaze

Red gives feedback to Blue
Blue gives feedback to Purple
Purple gives feedback to Orange
Orange gives feedback to Red

Evaluate  your own performance.  Provide a critical review.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

November 17, 18

1. Warm-up Emotional Fruit Salad - gives practice expressing extreme emotions, connecting with others
(angry, silly, happy, impulsive, concerned about, sweet, anxious, inspired, confused, afraid, sad)

2Continue filming . . .

3.   Reflect in Process Journal

1. Due date changes:
    Performance - November 23
    Essay - November 22 (9am on ManageBac) 
    Feedback (Criterion D) November 25 (end of class)
    Process Journals - November 25 (end of class)

2.  When writing your essay (paragraph 3) keep in mind the themes of Greek Tragedy and how they affected your script.  For example: Greek drama is not only about the extreme circumstances that the characters find themselves in but also about the power of fate.


Thursday, November 10, 2016

November 10, 11

1. Vocal Fry - What is it? Do you need it?

 2Continue filming . . .

3.   Reflect in Process Journal

4.    Homework - Use "vocal fry" and document your results. (How did others react?)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October 27, 28


1.  Warm Up

2. Submit homework
3.  Continue filming - Remember that each of you has a role to fulfill in addition to being an actor (Producer, Director, Screenwriter, Production Designer, Art Director, Costume Designer, Cinematographer, Editor, Actors,Music Supervisor).  When you write your reflection, you should focus on this role as well as other aspects of your work.

4.  I have not received your Production Plan - please submit

5.  Reflections for each class 

Homework:  Criterion A Essay - Due November 18 (at the beginning of class on ManageBac) 

Criterion A
Essay (1000-1500  words)

An investigation task on the historical context of Greek Tragedy and how this influenced the development of drama up to modern times. 
  • Explain how Greek Tragedy started. Identify the process to apply this type of drama and explain Greek Tragedy acting techniques and performance practices using subject specific terminology.
  • Explain how Greek Tragedy was used originally and explain how it is used now. (Did it change? If so, how?) Compare the play Oedipus the King with modern drama.
  • Explain how you applied this knowledge when you wrote the script for your play and how you used it in your performance.  Explain how this knowledge of Greek Tragedy had an impact on your process and performance.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

October 20, 21

1. Role of Greek Chorus in modern theatre.

2.  Warm up:  What are you doing? is good for warming up the brain and body, and practising using the brain and body differently at the same time.

3. Filming, editing
a.  Assign roles to help facilitate this project. (Producer, Director, Screenwriter, Production Designer, Art Director, Costume Designer, Cinematographer, Editor, Actors,Music Supervisor.
b. Set a production schedule.


Assign your roles today, and above all make sure you stick to the producer's schedule. Each of you will be an actor, but you will need to assign additional roles as well.  Sometimes these roles will be rotating.  Keep track of the roles you are performing as you will need to reflect on this.

Depending on how long the film is going to be, plan that your project time will be between 2 to 3 weeks long. Reserve your
last week for your editing and post-production.

4. Begin filming

5.  Process Journal Entry for each class - (What did you learn today? How did it affect you? How will you use this information? etc.)

6 Additional separate posts for your Process Journal include but are not limited to:

a.  Create mind map to show how your plot line developed (Show your thinking process)    (C)
b.  What am I doing to include surprises/suspense/tension in our play? (C)
c.  What skills am I practicing and learning as I create this play and how will I use them during my performance? (B, C)
d. How is our play different than anything I have ever seen done by others? (C, D)
e. Our plan for this project unfolded like this. . . (C)
f. One thing that is unique about our play is . . . (C, D)
g. As I reflect on my work I think . . . (D)
h. Script/outline, storyboard(C)

i.  Review another group's script and comment on it. (D)

Homework for October 21
  Take the following quiz -   https://www.quia.com/quiz/6046046.html

Homework:   City Dionysia - The ancient roots of modern theater

Read:  The Theaters: Temple of the Arts, Theater Anatomy, Contemporary Theaters
Write: Summary of and what you learned (to be submitted October 27 at the beginning of class)

Thursday, October 13, 2016

October 14


Statement of Artistic Intent - Criterion C

Write a 1 page essay with well developed, meaningful paragraphs.

What you are going to do?   (purpose)
This paragraph includes:
 - what topic you are studying this term in Drama,
 - small background about Greek Tragedy,
 - what your task is,
 - name and premise (story line) of your play,
 - include what inspired you.

Why are you doing this?    (message)
 - what is the main message/theme you with to communicate in your play?
 - who is your audience and what lasting impact do you want this video to have on your audience?
 - why do you think it is important to communicate this message/theme to your "targeted" audience?

How are you going to achieve (realize) this?   (production and performance elements)
 - what tools and techniques you will use to bring your play to life?
 - how will you bring your character to life? (include costume, props and acting techniques that you will use)

Homework:   City Dionysia - The ancient roots of modern theater

Read:  Prologue, The Ancient World,  and Contemporary Festivals
Write: Reflection on what you learned (to be submitted October 20 at the beginning of class)

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

October 6, 7, 13

1.  Let's watch this:  The Many Voices of Meryl Street
    While this video focuses on vocal expression, I would like you to also study her body language.
    When you build a character, you need to also think about physical development as well.

2. Lead With a Body Part

 3.  Script writing
      Before you write the script for your "Mexican Soap Opera" pilot,  there are a few things you need  to know and do.
      a.  Brainstorm
      b.  Write a plot idea and the basics of an outline of the script.  Remember that you are writing a tragedy. But what exactly is a tragedy and what should I include in my plot ideas. Click here for information that can help.
            For an example of scrip writing follow this link: http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Play-Script
      c.  Develop a relationship map (who's who, and how is everyone related? Include details of each character. Include a key.

see this mind map: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0179/3637/products/MadMen-18x24.jpg?v=1375306330)

            d.  Write script.  (Plan for an 8-10 video in which all members of the troupe are on camera for roughly the same amount of time.)   

Script due at end of class on October 13.

This work will help prepare you to write your Statement of Artistic Intention which will be due Friday October 14 (end of class).  

4.  Reflect in your Process Journal.  Focus on criterion B and criterion C.

Friday, September 23, 2016

September 29, 30


1.   Warm Up
Post by Theatre Studies Online at Rose Bruford College.  

2. Sophocles - Oedipus Rex (the short version)

4.  Let's look at an an example of a Greek Tragedy

5.  Process Journal entry

 Homework:  This was produced by an MYP student (from a different school).
1. Write a paragraph to analyze/critique this powerpoint.
       What did you learn about Greek Theater from this?  
       What did you like about this powerpoint presentation?
       What would you change?
       Is this a useful study tool?
       Would you recommend this to other students?

 2.  Design 1 slide that could add to/enhance/complete this powerpoint presentation.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

September 22, 23

1.  Worksheet 1

2.  Greek Theatre

3. Sophocles - Oedipus Rex (the short version)

4.  Let's look at an an example of a Greek Tragedy

5.  Process Journal entry

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

September 15, 16


1.  Warm-up - - Sound Ball - keeps you spontaneous and in the moment, it's about giving and receiving ideas, letting the ideas and sounds be connected to each other, it's great for letting go of planning, letting go of editing.

2.  Greek Tragedy information sheet
3.  Let's look at the answers to the intro questions on padlet:  https://padlet.com/rddietrich1/89pby7dqdqyq

4.  Begin Worksheet 1. Historical Context (Criterion A – Knowing and Understanding – strand i. and ii.)

  • Research Greek Theatre and locate the following information. You may respond in short answer form but explain, be thorough, include detailsRemember to include the question.
  • You need a Works Cited page.
  1. What was the purpose of early drama? Think: original dramas, Hellenistic times. . .   Who was Dionysus and why is this name important in the study of Greek Drama?  How does it relate to these words:  satyr, harvest, mandatory, contest, ritual, threshing floor?
  2. Who is considered the "father of drama" or the creator of the first drama? Why? How (in what context) do we know this name today? 
  3. Draw and label the parts of the early Greek theatre?
  4. According to Aristotle, what are the six part necessary to every tragic play?
  5. What was the action (purpose) of the chorus in Greek Drama?  How many people did it include?
  6. What are purpose of the masks in Greek Drama?
  7. Who are the 3 most influential Greek playwrights? What important plays did each product? (Include brief plot line.)
  8. Who was Sophocles?  Include 5-7 important facts about him.
  9. Why is Greek Theatre so significant to Western Drama and how has it continued to influence modern works?
  10. What are some modern examples of Greek chorus? (Be specific, include details)

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

September 8


1.  In your process journal answer the following:  My Term 1 expectations.  Explain what you would like to accomplish during Term 1.

2.  Intro to Greek Tragedy - ManageBac

3.  In groups answer the following and put your answer on this padlet https://padlet.com/rddietrich1/89pby7dqdqyq :   (7 minutes)

Red - Which of the following was not a type of Greek theater? Explain what Greek theater is.
a. - Mystery
b. - Satyr
c. - Tragedy
d. - Comedy
e. - All of these are types of Greek Theatre

Blue - What is the structure of Greek tragedy? Explain.

Purple - What is the role of the chorus? Explain.
Orange - Which of the following lists the Athenian tragedians in chronological order? Why is this important information? Explain.
a. - Sophocles, Aeschylus, Euripides
b. - Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles
c. - Euripides, Sophocles, Aeschylus
d. - Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides
e. - Euripides, Aeschylus, Sophocles

4.  Begin Worksheet 1. Historical Context (Criterion A – Knowing and Understanding – strand i. and ii.)
  • Research Greek Theatre and locate the following information. You may respond in short answer form but explain, be thorough, include detailsRemember to include the question.
  • You need a Works Cited page.
  1. What was the purpose of early drama? Think: original dramas, Hellenistic times. . .   Who was Dionysus and why is this name important in the study of Greek Drama?  How does it relate to these words:  satyr, harvest, mandatory, contest, ritual, threshing floor?
  2. Who is considered the "father of drama" or the creator of the first drama? Why? How (in what context) do we know this name today? 
  3. Draw and label the parts of the early Greek theatre?
  4. According to Aristotle, what are the six part necessary to every tragic play?
  5. What was the action (purpose) of the chorus in Greek Drama?  How many people did it include?
  6. What are purpose of the masks in Greek Drama?
  7. Who are the 3 most influential Greek playwrights? What important plays did each product? (Include brief plot line.)
  8. Who was Sophocles?  Include 5-7 important facts about him.
  9. Why is Greek Theatre so significant to Western Drama and how has it continued to influence modern works?
  10. What are some modern examples of Greek chorus? (Be specific, include details)

September 1


Welcome Year 11.

You've chosen Drama as your Art Elective.

Let's have a great year!


Monday, June 27, 2016

June 27


See you in September.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

June 20


June 20

1.  Submit your Greek Tragedy

2.  Showtime! - NOPE. . .

Monday, May 30, 2016

May 30, June 1, 13, 15

Revised filming dates

May 30, June 1, 13 filming
June 13, 15 - editing

Showtime June 20

Monday, May 16, 2016

May 16, May 18 (no lesson, exam), May 23, 25, 30, June 1


1.  Filming, editing
a.  Assign roles to help facilitate this project. (Producer, Director, Screenwriter, Production Designer, Art Director, Costume Designer, Cinematographer, Editor, Actors,Music Supervisor.
b. Set a production schedule.


Assign your roles today, and above all make sure you stick to the producer's schedule. Each of you will be an actor, but you will need to assign additional roles as well.  Sometimes these roles will be rotating.  Keep track of the roles you are performing as you will need to reflect on this.

Depending on how long the film is going to be, plan that your project time will be between 2 to 3 weeks long. Reserve your last week for your editing and post-production.

2.  Process Journal Entry for each class - (What did you learn today? How did it affect you? How will you use this information? etc.)

3.  Additional separate posts for your Process Journal include but are not limited to:

a.  Create mind map to show how your plot line developed (Show your thinking process)    (C)
b.  What am I doing to include surprises/suspense/tension in our play? (C)
c.  What skills am I practicing and learning as I create this play and how will I use them during my performance? (B, C)
d. How is our play different than anything I have ever seen done by others? (C, D)
e. Our plan for this project unfolded like this. . . (C)
f. One thing that is unique about our play is . . . (C, D)
g. As I reflect on my work I think . . . (D)
h. Script/outline, storyboard(C) 

May 25 - Warm up


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

May 11

1.  Warm Up

Respond to one of the following questions in your notes. 
  • How do you define who you are?
  • Who are you?
  • How does your culture shape your world? Why?
  • With whom do you identify?
  • What do you believe in?
  • What experiences have created your identity?
  • What are your limits?
  • Do you love yourself? Why or why not?
  • What do you struggle with?
  • What are your successes?
  • What self-journeys have you traveled? What did you learn? How did you grow?
  • Are you addicted to anything? How does that control you? Your day? Your choices?
  • What do you love? Whom do you admire? What do you hate?
  • If you could change the world, what would you do?  Why?
  • If you could change your life, what would you change? Why?
  • What holds you back?  Why are you scared?
  • If you could have said it different, what would you have said? Why?
  • How do you define success?
  • How do you fit (exist) in the universe? Country? State? City? Community? School?
  • What is the end? What is your beginning? Why are you waiting?
2. Work in your group to develop your script and ideas.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

May 9

1.  Warm up -  321 Acting Studios Video - 30 seconds to success- Acting Lesson "Breathing Relaxation Technique"

2.  Finish Script Writing

3.  Process Journal Entry

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May 4

1.  Let's watch this:  The Many Voices of Meryl Street
    While this video focuses on vocal expression, I would like you to also study her body language.
    When you build a character, you need to also think about physical development as well.

 2.  Script writing
      Before you write the script for your "Mexican Soap Opera" pilot,  there are a few things you need  to know and do.
      a.  Brainstorm
      b.  Write a plot idea and the basics of an outline of the script.  Remember that you are writing a tragedy. But what exactly is a tragedy and what should I include in my plot ideas. Click here for information that can help.
            For an example of scrip writing follow this link:http://www.storiestogrowby.com/scripts/contest_body.html
      c.  Develop a relationship map (who's who, and how is everyone related?)


4.  Reflect in your Process Journal.  Focus on criterion B and criterion C.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

May 2

1. Role of Greek Chorus in modern theatre.

2.  Warm up:  What are you doing? is good for warming up the brain and body, and practising using the brain and body differently at the same time.

3. Meet with your group members (20 minutes) to make final decisions.

4.  Statement of Artistic Intent   -  Due May 2 (end of class)

Write a 1 page Statement of Artistic Intent that includes the following:

What you are going to do,
Why you are going to do it,
What you want to audience to know or learn,
How you are going to do it.

* You may use the template below to help develop your ideas.  You are NOT limited by this template. It is merely another tool for you to utilize. 

Why are you doing this piece? 
  • What ideas explored throughout the unit and your individual research (including technical theatre) do you intend to further explore in developing your performance concept to a point of realization?

What message/theme do you want to convey when presenting this piece? 

  • What is the main message/theme you wish to communicate in your performance?
  • What lasting impact do you want your performance to have on your audience?
  • Why do you think it is important to communicate this message/theme to your ‘targeted’ audience?

What production elements will you use to present the piece effectively?
  • How do you intend to work with the "production elements" to help communicate your ideas?
What performance elements will you include to effectively communicate your message/theme?
  • How do you intend to work with the "performance elements" to help communicate your ideas?
5.  Process Journal entry.  Focus on criterion B and criterion C.

PS:  themes from Oedipus the King:  http://www.shmoop.com/oedipus-the-king/themes.html
        list of literary themes:  http://homeworktips.about.com/od/writingabookreport/a/themelist.htm

Sunday, April 24, 2016

April 25, 27

April 25 - Happy 25th of April   (National Holiday)

April 27
1.  Story-telling:  Blame.  The moral of the story is that you cannot find a solution to a problem if you are more worried about who is to blame . . .

2.  Get into your group (red, blue, orange, purple)  and brainstorm ideas. Create a basic outline and characters for your soap opera.  Remember that next week you will have to write an Statement of Artist Intention and will need to incorporate some of these ideas.

Modern Family - S 3 E 24 - Baby on Board por modernfamily2016

3.  Create a storyboard for the action of your story. One possible storyboard site is: http://generator.acmi.net.au/storyboard.

4. April 27 Process Journal entry

PS: To read Oedipus Rex online click HERE

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April 21


1.  Get into your group (red, blue, orange, purple)  and brainstorm ideas. Create a basic outline and characters for your soap opera.  Remember that next week you will have to write an Statement of Artist Intention and will need to incorporate some of these ideas.

2.  Create a storyboard for the action of your story. One possible storyboard site is: http://generator.acmi.net.au/storyboard.

3. April 21 Process Journal entry

PS: To read Oedipus Rex online click HERE

Monday, April 18, 2016

April 18


1.   Warm Up
Post by Theatre Studies Online at Rose Bruford College

2.  Greek Theatre

3. Sophocles - Oedipus Rex (the short version)

4.  Let's look at an an example of a Greek Tragedy

5.  Process Journal entry

Homework:   Pop Quiz!
Cool link that provides lots of information and an online quiz;)

Homework:  Word Search

Sunday, April 10, 2016

April 11, 13

1.  The Lisbon Players:Auditions - The Misanthrope by Molière

Saturday 16th April at 17h00
Tuesday 19th April at 21h00

Nothing to prepare

For more info:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1720911911518711/

2.  You need to have a Term 3 Process Journal.  Once again you will provide a paper version. The Process Journal must be updated regularly (after each class).

3.  Warm up - Vocal Warm-up #4 Articulation from the National Theatre
(you can find more exercises like this online;)

4  Blue group and Purple group - You didn't finish your work from last week. Please submit your diaries and come in for lunch time detention on Tuesday to complete your work.

5. Begin Worksheet 1. Historical Context (Criterion A – Knowing and Understanding – strand i. and ii.)
  • Research Greek Theatre and locate the following information. You may respond in short answer form but explain, be thorough, include detailsRemember to include the question.
  • You need a Works Cited page.

1.  What were the influences that led to the development of Greek Theatre?
2.  What was the main purpose of Greek Theatre?
3.  What were the techniques or conventions used by Greek Theatre and for what purpose?
4.  What is the role of the chorus in Greek Theatre?
5.  Who is known as the first actor? Why?
6.  Who are the 3 most influential Greek playwrights? What important plays did each produce?
7.  Who was the first literary critic? Explain.
8.  Why is Greek Theatre so significant to Western Drama and how has it continued to influence modern works?
9.  What are some modern examples of the Greek chorus?

6.  Process Journal Entry

Homework:  Word Search Puzzle

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

April 6


Today you need to finish and print Task 4 - Criterion A and D.

Everything must be properly marked in your Process Journal.

I will mark Task 4 on Thursday evening.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

April 4 (Period 7)

1.  Intro to Greek Tragedy

2.  In groups answer the following and put your answer on this padlet:               (http://padlet.com/rddietrich/khjoqxttjcxo) :

Red - Which of the following was not a type of Greek theater? Explain what Greek theater is.
a. - Mystery
b. - Satyr
c. - Tragedy
d. - Comedy
e. - All of these are types of Greek Theatre

Blue - What is the structure of Greek tragedy? Explain.

Purple - What is the role of the chorus? Explain.
Orange - Which of the following lists the Athenian tragedians in chronological order? Why is this important information? Explain.
a. - Sophocles, Aeschylus, Euripides
b. - Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles
c. - Euripides, Sophocles, Aeschylus
d. - Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides
e. - Euripides, Aeschylus, Sophocles

3. In your process journal answer the following:  My Term 3 expectations.  Explain what you would like to accomplish during Term 3.