Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 15, 16

 Good Morning, Year 11

1.  Warm up - repetition exercise
       Sanford Meisner - the master of teaching "how to be present in the moment". . .

As you have learned, there are many ways to deliver a phrase and there are many ways to respond.  In the repetition exercise you say something truthful about the situation.  Let's take the phrase, "I feel a little uncomfortable right now."

Now, it's your turn.  Let's practice this technique.

2.  What is sense memory?  Let's discuss this . . .

3. Monologue - Now it's time to start writing our own monologue. 

How to create a monologue: http://jakubowski.hubpages.com/hub/How-To-Create-A-Monologue-Easy-And-Simple 

Character worksheet: http://ois-drama11.blogspot.pt/p/character-worksheet-to-develop.html

Monologues for teens:  http://freedrama.net/small1t.html

4.  Write a reflection at the end of class. (What did you learn today? How did it affect you? How will you use this information? etc.)

We lost a lot of time on Wednesday due to Class photos. 
We lost an opportunity to perform on Thursday . . .

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