Wednesday, October 19, 2016

October 20, 21

1. Role of Greek Chorus in modern theatre.

2.  Warm up:  What are you doing? is good for warming up the brain and body, and practising using the brain and body differently at the same time.

3. Filming, editing
a.  Assign roles to help facilitate this project. (Producer, Director, Screenwriter, Production Designer, Art Director, Costume Designer, Cinematographer, Editor, Actors,Music Supervisor.
b. Set a production schedule.

Assign your roles today, and above all make sure you stick to the producer's schedule. Each of you will be an actor, but you will need to assign additional roles as well.  Sometimes these roles will be rotating.  Keep track of the roles you are performing as you will need to reflect on this.

Depending on how long the film is going to be, plan that your project time will be between 2 to 3 weeks long. Reserve your
last week for your editing and post-production.

4. Begin filming

5.  Process Journal Entry for each class - (What did you learn today? How did it affect you? How will you use this information? etc.)

6 Additional separate posts for your Process Journal include but are not limited to:

a.  Create mind map to show how your plot line developed (Show your thinking process)    (C)
b.  What am I doing to include surprises/suspense/tension in our play? (C)
c.  What skills am I practicing and learning as I create this play and how will I use them during my performance? (B, C)
d. How is our play different than anything I have ever seen done by others? (C, D)
e. Our plan for this project unfolded like this. . . (C)
f. One thing that is unique about our play is . . . (C, D)
g. As I reflect on my work I think . . . (D)
h. Script/outline, storyboard(C)

i.  Review another group's script and comment on it. (D)

Homework for October 21
  Take the following quiz -

Homework:   City Dionysia - The ancient roots of modern theater

Read:  The Theaters: Temple of the Arts, Theater Anatomy, Contemporary Theaters
Write: Summary of and what you learned (to be submitted October 27 at the beginning of class)

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