Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 25, 26

Al Pacino, Method Actor

1.  Welcome Back!  These last few weeks will be dedicated to realism and "method acting".

Method Acting
1. Who was Constantine Stanislavsky?
2. How did Stanislavsky begin his career in the theatre?

3. Describe the style of acting common in the theatre of the 19th century.

5. What did Stanislavsky believe the actor’s main responsibility is?

6. What is Method acting?

7. What two things does "The Method" require actors to draw on in order to emotionally feel their characters?
8. Who were the 10 most influential method acting teachers? https://www.backstage.com/advice...actors/10-most-influential-acting-teachers-history/

9. Name 5 contemporary major film actors/actresses that bring Stanislavsky's ideas to the world of motion pictures?

Defining terms:
Define the following terms using at least one complete sentence. Use your own words.
10. Subtext
11. Objective
12. Unit of Action
13. Super Objective
14. Communion
15. Circles of Attention

(1/4) "I feel like everything in my life has been preparing me to be an actor. I started acting when I was a student at...
Posted by Humans of New York on Friday, November 13, 2015
2.  Richard Ryker
facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/RichardRykeractor/?pnref=lhc  

3.  What is method acting?

4.  Sanford Meisner
an American actor and acting teacher who developed an approach to acting instruction that is now known as the Meisner technique.[1] While Meisner was exposed to method acting at the Group Theatre, his approach differed markedly in that he completely abandoned the use of affective memory, a distinct characteristic of method acting. Meisner maintained an emphasis on "the reality of doing," which was the foundation of his approach.

The goal of the Meisner technique has often been described as getting actors to "live truthfully under imaginary circumstances.

Question of the month:  Can actors take method acting too far? 


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